CASE 09「Fukushima Hinansha no Tsudoi Okinawa Jangara-Kai(Okinawa)」
Interview 02 - Mr. Toshiya Kataoka, Director of Fukushima Hinansha no Tsudoi Okinawa Jangara-Kai
Q1.Tell us about what made you decide to do support work.
A.I've been living in Okinawa since before the Great East Japan Earthquake. I've always been a farmer. When the earthquake happened, I shared vegetables and other food supplies with people who had evacuated from the disaster areas. Two or three years after the disaster, I met Ms. Sakurai from Okinawa Jangara-Kai, and now I do support work with Jangara-Kai. I'd like to help people connect with others and support each other, no matter where they're from.
Q2.It's been seven and a half years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. What kind of support is needed from here on out?
A.There are still people who are suffering from the disaster, who are hurt and scared. There are things that evacuees can do on their own, and there are things they can't. I think we need to take another look at points where there hasn't been enough support.
And I want survivors to continue to take care of their hearts and minds. If your heart takes a blow, then so do your body and your way of life. Evacuees have to raise their voices, but so do third parties like us. I want the local government to make those voices heard and understood by the national government, so that we can help with the pain that they are feeling now, even just a little bit.
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